
Are After Christmas Sales Worth It?

Is shopping the after Christmas sales worth it?

In the past, all of my family used to exchange with each other. That doesn't count my family alone, but extended family as well. If I make a quick head count, that ends up being about 25 people. Now, I don't know about you, but unfortunately money does not grow on trees around here. Buying gifts for 25 people can really add up. What I started doing in the past (before we drew names this year) was shop the after Christmas sales. The picture above shows what I was able to purchase at Walgreens at 75% off one year. This was 2 years back so I can't remember the prices on all of it, but I remember the lip balms being .25 each, and many other items being less than a dollar a piece. I was able to sift through the chocolate and find bags that weren't Christmas marked to use for other holidays, and I ended up buying a couple bags of Christmas Hershey Kisses because I make my peanut butter cookies year round, and knew I would use the kisses before the expiration date.

I ended up giving each woman in my family a snowman figurine, a small bottle of lotion from Bath & Body Works, a 2pack of holiday candle holders, a lip balm, and Christmas hand towels for less than $5 per person. If I would have purchased everything regular price I would have spent at least $15 per person.

Do I think it's worth it to shop the after Christmas sales? Absolutely! My advice to you would be to create a list of people you need to buy for, and start visiting the sales. Many stores will begin at 50% off, but will eventually go up to 75% off. That is when you will find me out and about. In year's past, the best bargains I found were at Walgreens, TJ Maxx, Walmart, Bath & Body Works, Sears, and Target's Dollar Spot.

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