Here are a few shopping trips mapped out to maximize your savings this week at Walgreens!
Before Coupons: $24.25
After Coupons: $1.25
After Coupons: $1.25
Trans #1
Carefree Pantiliners @ .99
Luster White 7 Toothpaste @ $4.99
Subtotal: $5.98
-$1.50/1 from 4/3 SS
-.50/1 from 3/27 RP
Pay: $3.98
*Get $4 in Register Rewards from Luster
Trans #2
Buy 4 Nescafe 7pk Sticks @ $1.00 each
Buy 2 Trident Vitality 9piece @ $1.00 each
Subtotal: $6.00
-B1G1 coupon for Trident from 3/6 SS
-.50/2 Trident Store Coupon from Wags April Coupon Book**
-$4 RR from Luster
Pay: .50
*Get $4 in RR from Nescafe
Trans #3
Carefree Pantiliners @ .99
Luster White 7 Toothpaste @ $4.99
1 Snickers Egg @ .29
Subtotal: $6.27
-$1.50/1 from 4/3 SS
-.50/1 from 3/27 RP
-$4 RR from Nescafe
Pay: 0.27
*Get $4 in Register Rewards from Luster
Trans #4
Buy 4 Nescafe 7pk Sticks @ $1.00 each
Buy 2 Trident Vitality 9piece @ $1.00 each
Subtotal: $6.00
-B1G1 coupon for Trident from 3/6 SS
-.50/2 Trident Store Coupon from Wags April Coupon Book**
-$4 RR from Luster
Pay: .50
*Get $4 in RR from Nescafe
Total Out of Pocket: $5.25
-$4 RR from Nescafe in Trans #4
Final Cost: $1.25
**Be sure to give your Trident Manufacturer coupon first, and then the Trident Store coupon out of the Walgreens April Coupon Book.
-$4 RR from Nescafe in Trans #4
Final Cost: $1.25
**Be sure to give your Trident Manufacturer coupon first, and then the Trident Store coupon out of the Walgreens April Coupon Book.