
Portable North Pole!

If you have kids, you HAVE to check out the Portable North Pole.
Let me tell you why...

Every year, my little cousin comes up to visit. He is 6 years old. I came across this site from a friend of mine, and you can use it to make a free real video from Santa for your child! I went ahead and created the video, and my mom and I showed it to Joshua last year. I honestly wish we would have recorded his reaction. You see, you have the opportunity to enter your child's name, their age, whether they were good or bad, and what they REALLY want for Christmas. Joshua was so excited that Santa knew his name, and knew exactly what he wanted for Christmas. It was priceless!!!! Josh is visiting us again this year, and he has even asked if Santa would be on my mom's computer again. Ha!

Anyways, head over HERE to check it out!
Let me know what you think!!!
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