
Satisfying Sunday 12/19

It's been a few Sundays since I've had the chance to sit down and talk to you all. I really love to mix in a few personal posts into the deals, and I think it helps form a "person" behind this page. This week's Satisfying Sunday is about the upcoming Christmas holiday. I wanted to share a couple of my household traditions, and give you an opportunity to share a couple of yours too. Hearing from you guys really makes my day!

*We bake my mom's infamous sugar cookies for Santa, and use cookie cutters to cut them into cute shapes.

*We head to a Christmas Eve service at our church.

*We open a single gift before bed.

*We create one of these videos for our Joshua ever year.

*We bake up a storm for Christmas day.

*We receive a new pair of PJs every year.

What are some of your traditions?
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