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on your order with the Disney store
when you purchase any Toy Story item.
Use code: TOYSTORY at checkout
HERE are some cute Toy Story flip flops
for only $2.00!
Only a few sizes left.
(Free shipping goes until June 22nd)
Or go HERE to checkout all the Toy Story items.
Thanks, Who Said Nothing In Life Is Free
& CouponingToDisney
Let me know if you snag this deal!
on your order with the Disney store
when you purchase any Toy Story item.
Use code: TOYSTORY at checkout
HERE are some cute Toy Story flip flops
for only $2.00!
Only a few sizes left.
(Free shipping goes until June 22nd)
Or go HERE to checkout all the Toy Story items.
Thanks, Who Said Nothing In Life Is Free
& CouponingToDisney
Let me know if you snag this deal!