
Walgreens Newbie Scenario 7/1

I want to stress to you how easy Register Rewards are to use. The chocolate and graham crackers were on sale 2 for $6. The marshmellows were free as part of the sale. I paid with a $2 RR & a $3 RR that I earned last week, and ended up spending $1 on all the Smores fixings.

Here is a scenario for all the newbies out there:

Trans#1Buy Blistop for $5.
Pay $5, and get back a $5 Register Reward.
Final Cost: FREE

(Now you can either go home, and go back later in the day...
or you could drive to the next closest Walgreens to do Trans #2)

Trans #2

1 Box of Graham Crackers,
1 Package of Hershey's Chococlate Bars
1 Bag of Marshmellows

- Marshmellows FREE (automatically deduct)
- $5 Register Reward from Trans #1 (Give this to your cashier)
Final Cost: $1.00

Please leave me a comment if you like this post.
I will do more if this is helpful!

(This scenario is valid through Saturday, 7/3)
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