
CVS 9/19-9/25

Saving & Giving has all the best deals exclusive to CVS.
See my favorites below, and visit her blog for the rest.
If you're short on coupons, be sure to check out
Coupons & Things HERE for a great selection.

Quaker Instant Oatmeal or Granola Bars 2/$5.00
-$1/1 Oatmeal coupon from 9/12 RP, or HERE
-$2/1 Granola Bar coupon from 9/19 RP
Subtotal: $2.00
*Earn $2.00 ECB wyb 2
Final Cost: FREE

Quaker Granola Bars 2/$5.00
- (2) $2/1 Granola Bar coupons from 9/19 RP
Subtotal: $1.00
*Earn $2.00 ECB
Final Cost FREE + moneymaker

All Laundry Detergent $4.99
-$1/1 from HERE or HERE
Subtotal: $3.99
*Get 1.00 ECB (limit 3)
Final Cost: $2.99

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick $6.99
-$2/1 coupon from HERE
Subtotal: $4.99
*Get 5.00 ECB (limit 6)
Final Cost: FREE

Schick Hydro or Schick Edge Infused Shave Gel $2.79
-B1G1 from HERE
Subtotal: $2.79
*Get $1.89 ECB (limit 1)
Final Cost: .52 each wyb 2

Right Guard Total Defense 5 - $2.98 each
-$3/2 coupon from HERE
Subtotal: $2.98
*Get $4.00 ECB
Final Cost: FREE + moneymaker

Bayer Contour Blood Glucose Meter $14.99
-$10/1 frm 8/8 RP
Subtotal: $4.99
*Get $5 ECB
Final Cost: FREE

Huggies Jumbo Diapers 2 for $17.98
-$4/2 from HERE
Subtotal: $13.98
*Get $3.00 ECB (limit 1)
Final Cost: $4.99 each wyb 2

Ivory Bar Soap .99
-$1.00/2 from 8/29 PG
Final Cost: .49 each wyb 2
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