
My Coupon Experience 9/19...

So, something happened to me today that has probably happened at least once to all couponers new or old. Remember the B1G1 Wholly Guacamole coupon I posted about HERE? Well, it had an incredibly short expiration date, and I needed to use it today. Off to the grocery store I went. I picked up some milk, 5 Sunday Papers, and 2 packages of guacamole. I used the self checkout as I do many times, and finished scanning my items. I pushed the coupon button on the screen, and scanned my coupon. I expected the coupon to require cashier assistance to push it through, but little did I know what was in store for me. The cashier walked away with my coupon to her station. I waited patiently for her to manually push my B1G1 coupon through their system. It seemed like I was waiting for several minutes. I looked around, and the cashier was nowhere to be found. I flagged down another employee, and he locates her halfway across the store and asks her about my transaction. She yells back to him, "I had to go see if it was real." (Meaning my coupon)

Now, I stayed calm. I paid for my order, and I left. After I sat in my car, I told myself I wasn't going to let it fire me up. But, it did! I feel that cashier could have handled the transaction way better. She could have said, "I had to go check on something." Or "I was having problems sacnning it." Something more general, and not accusatory. Now, I've been using coupons for the last 3 years, and I've had my fair share of bad experiences. I've missed out on savings because the cashier forgot to scan my coupons, or I've been made to feel like a criminal for using valid internet printable coupons. Or even better yet, when I've stood in line and the person behind me sighs LOUDLY the entire time I hand over my coupons to the cashier. Why is using coupons so misunderstood?

So, all you newbies and veterans out there... How would you have handled the situation? Would you write the store? Would have you said something to the cashier? I'm curious.

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