If becoming debt free is on your to-do list then this deal is for you. I have personally taken a series of Dave Ramsey's classes, and I HIGHLY recommend it. His materials are easy to understand, and they work! If you guys are interested, I'll share my story about how his program has helped me live an almost debt-free life.
Okay, here's the deal...
Go HERE and add these items to your cart:
Okay, here's the deal...
Go HERE and add these items to your cart:
$29 = Buy 1 Baby Step Bundle
$10 = Buy 1 Personal Finance Software CD-Rom
$10 = Buy 1 High Performance Achievement CD
$14.95 = Buy 1 More Than Enough book
$63.95 = Subtotal
Add these promotional codes during checkout
Budget (- $10 for Software)
BONUS49 (-$10 for Audio CD)
MORE (-$14.95 for Book)
$29 = Updated Subtotal + $4.95 for shipping.
$10 = Buy 1 Personal Finance Software CD-Rom
$10 = Buy 1 High Performance Achievement CD
$14.95 = Buy 1 More Than Enough book
$63.95 = Subtotal
Add these promotional codes during checkout
Budget (- $10 for Software)
BONUS49 (-$10 for Audio CD)
MORE (-$14.95 for Book)
$29 = Updated Subtotal + $4.95 for shipping.
Cost Before Sale & Coupons = $142.79
Cost After Sale & Coupons = $29 + shipping!
Cost After Sale & Coupons = $29 + shipping!