
Target Run 6/6

A random guy in the ice cream aisle said to me today:
"Those must be your favorite."
Well, they're my favorite
because of the great sale at Target this week!

If you buy 5 boxes of Drumstick's (4pk), you'll get a $5 Gift Card.

5 Boxes of Drumstick's at $2.54 each = $12.70
5 Tubs of Pampers Wipes at $2.39 each = $11.95
Subtotal: $24.65
- 4 ($1/1 Drumstick from 5/2 SS)
- 5 ($2/1 Pampers from 6/6 PG)
Total: $10.65
-$5 Giftcard (Earned from another sale)
-$5 Giftcard (Earned from another sale)
Final Cost: .65
+ earned Gift Card from Drumstick Promo

Let me know how you do at Target this week!
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